
Friday, 25 January 2013

Red lip love.

This year, one of the things I decided I would do more was reduce the amount of 'unnecessary' makeup I wore in the day (like heavy eyeshadow and liner) as it wasn't really necessary for 9am lectures and tone it down a little bit. I also thought that with this change, I could change up my evening makeup for when I go out. Now, during the day, I still stick to my full coverage mac foundation - that was something I wasn't changing about my routine, I love it too much!- and focusing more on my face makeup than eye makeup. At night time, I normally go for a dramatic smoky eye with smudgy liner and a red lip.

I used to be afraid of a bold, statement lip, but recently, on nights out I've decided to just do it. It looks good and a red lip can pretty much change any outfit and make it look so much better. I do get a bit scared about it rubbing off though all over my face!

I like to go for a darker red lip, like Kim Kardashian in the picture, rather than an orangey red or a 'fire engine red'. I think it suits me a bit better being so fair skinned with light hair, and I like the effect it gives. I didn't want to spend the money on a red mac lipstick because I knew I wouldn't get a whole lot of use out of it, so I bought one from Boots instead. I got the Kate Moss collection one from Rimmel. It isn't the matte one, it's the original line and it's colour number 01. I just love it.

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