
Monday, 14 January 2013

Assignment blues and feeling ill.

I have caught 'freshers flu' again. Last time i was so ill with it that i was disrupting lectures with my coughing fits. I can't cope with being that ill again, i just can't. I've just got back from a two hour library sesh and i had the worst coughing fit ever. it was horrific. It was the worst possible place for it to happen. Anyhow, pretty much everyone at uni is ill with some bug or another. They either have norovirus, flu, a cold or some other nasty germy badness. Whatever i have, it's awful and i just want it go away.

My assignment is coming along nicely but my brain is full of the Leveson inquiry and i feel like instead of writing my essay i'm spending all my time doing research for it that i won't even include in my essay. I feel like i have writers block. eessh. I've had enough of thinking about it now, i just want it done with and handed in. I've promised myself it will be handed in for thursday as i want to be able to go out thursday evening and have a good ol' time and not worry about the code of conduct and the ethics that journalists need to follow and have. yikes.

I also feel like tonight is going to be a long one. Demanding shorthand work has returned (did it ever leave?!) and i'm back to feeling the pressure before the assessment on wednesday. Not looking forward to that at all. I feel like i am just getting comfortable in that class and come thursday there will be a big change around and i might be moving. But i dont want to moveee! I hate change.

Today wasn't the best day again and i feel like i've been awake for a million hours. My day started at 6:30 and i awoke to a snow covered ground. Thinking the trains would be cancelled and my chances of retunring to uni very slim, i decided to have my own little party. However, no trains were cancelled and when i got to uni, there wasn't a peep of snow to be seen. Instead, today I was graced with the usual bout of rain and a very self promoting taxi driver. Non the less, my day has been unusual..

I think next monday i am going to take advantage of the 'tall latte for £1.50' offer starbucks have going on at the moment. I think that coffee might somewhat brighten my day.

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