
Saturday, 5 January 2013

New book love.

I picked a new book up from Waterstones today and I read the first page and I am already in love. 'The five people you meet in heaven' by Mitch Albom is a popular book and i was surprised that i hadn't discovered it sooner. I went to the bookstore today not planning to pick anything up, but then this was on the shelf with a 'Strongly Recommend' sticker on it and i had to pick it up. The book looks so simple yet intriguing and I can't wait to start reading it properly.

It's about an 83 year old man called Eddie who dies at the beginning of the book (no spoiler here, the book is about this!) and he meets 5 people in heaven who tell him about his life and purpose. How amazing does that sound?! Whether we admit it or not, we are all interested in knowing what, and if, something is after this life, and this book just looks perfect.

I can feel an all nighter in store for this book!

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