
Saturday, 5 January 2013

Christmas at home and a busy few days.

Christmas came and went for another year and now I am in the phase and eating all my chocolate that i got and feeling so bad about it. I got a fair amount this year and i am eating it like nobody's business. it's boredom. boredom makes me eat. I have so much work to be doing, yet i keep blogging and online shopping and eating. I have to finish my assignment. I have hopes that i'll do some more tonight, but who knows. I think i'm just going to have to force myself to do it.
      Christmas was really good though. I had a lovely day spending it with my mum and my sister and it was just an enjoyable day. On Boxing day i went to see my grandma and we had dinner with her and then we came home and went into my neighbours for a small gathering. Now that christmas is over though i kind of feel lost. I spent so long building upto christmas day and spending money on other people that i'm trying to find osmething to look forward to now. However, i'm super excited as next week i go to london with one of my friends and we're going on a shopping trip sort of thing and i hope to buy lots of stuff in the sales, so i'll probably haul my buys too. There's a couple of things i want to pick up from the MAC store too. I'm always excited about getting new mac stuff, even if it's products i've ran out of and just need to repurchase them.
       I'm also looking forward to moving back into uni. I feel like i've been home forever (well, it's been 3 weeks now!) and i just can't wait to get back and see everyone. I'm really missing living independently and seeing my flatmates everyday so i can't wait to just get back. I am enjoying it at home but my mum is nagging at me a bit. Also, i've been building my shorthand skill up again, (which has been harder than i thought!) and i'm struggling to get comfortable with 60 wpm now, eek. I'm taking a short break from work at the moment as my brain is full of shorthand outlines once more. I feel like i've not had a rest from it even though i've had a good 2 weeks without it.
       I have work tomorrow until 3pm then i'm having tea and getting the train back to uni. I moved all my stuff back in today which means i have less to do tomorrow evening! I can just get back to my flat and do my work. My assignment definitely will not do itself and the deadline is just under 2 weeks away now, eek.
I plan on doing a products of 2012 blog post some day soon, so that should take my mind off the work!

For now, Happy 2013!

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