
Wednesday, 12 December 2012

Flat christmas!

So, today is flat 40's christmas day and we have just all given each other our presents and 'secret' santas have been revealed. Everyone already knew who had each other but it was still nice. The christmas dinner is being made by our trusty flat chef  Charlotte, Will is playing on skyrim, Molly is assisting with the beloved chocolate log and i'm writing blog posts!

Also, i finally got my printer working this morning! The fact that i can now print off stuff from my room without having to go to the library is beautifulll!

I've also become super organised again which is brill but i'm just finally settling into a good routine and now it's time to bloody go home for 3 weeks for christmas!

I'm going to keep this post short and sweet as it's flat christmas and i feel as if i should offer some help in the kitchen with the christmas dinner and festive celebrations.

Merry christmas,


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