Do you know those days when you wake up and you know that today is going to be a bad one? Well my Monday has not been a good one and i still have a ton of stuff to do. My day started off at 7am and i ate breakfast, got ready and got a lift to the bus station. I asked which bus to get on to get to the train station to get back to uni and to my surprise, i got on the right bus and made it to the train station. I even caught an earlyish train. It was then that things started going downhill from there.
The train fees had gone up. How could one forget? You'd think, being a student and all, they'd take pity on those who have to get the train and use their own wage (or your student loan or whoevers money you want to use on the train) and think "ahh no, students can't really afford this, especially with the prices on the rise", but no. The fees have risen and i had to pay £9 for a 22 minute train journey, (not forgetting the £3.80 bus journey prior to this). I was not happy about that. At first, as it was super early, my little brain didn't register why i had been charged £2.50 more than usual and i just accepted it. It wasn't till i was on the platform with my gazillion bags that i realised. Fees are on the rise.
By this point, i was in need of a coffee and i don't drink coffee. ever. I had the need for a starbucks and to wake up and get my day started. I even thought about running to starbucks when i got to uni with all my bags before going back and unpacking. I didn't however, and this was a bad move. I should have just bought coffee then maybe this day would have been better. I am so mad and i'm not even halfway through bad monday.
When i was on the train, this guy got off a stop before me and he had loads of bags and the biggest coat i have ever seen in my life. He threw it on and whacked me in the head during the process and sending my already ruined hair across my face, blinding me from view. He didn't even say sorry. i was mad then.
Anyway, i let it go and I arrived. I unpacked my stuff, had a couple of free hours of pottering around my room and put stuff away.
Then, before i knew it, 2:30 had rolled around and it was time to slip back into my usual routine of 90 minutes of shorthand each day. The class itself wasn't so bad, it actually went pretty quickly, but i was asked to read back my shorthand and i made a few mistakes and stumbled on the word 'felt' with the awkward "..... I don't know what that outline is" and by this time, my face was burning. Anyway, I stumbled through the rest of the passage about garden shows raising money and class finished 10 minutes early.
2 days ago, when i moved my stuff back into flat 40, i walked into the kitchen to unpack my stuff and the kitchen was freezing. I went to put my frozen stuff in the freezer and the freezer handle snapped off. clean off. i was so mad. It was like frozen solid because of how cold it was in the kitchen. So today, i went to the office and admittted what had happened and said could someone come and fix it. Then the woman said "was it you who broke it?" "yes, it was me", "you'll have to pay for the fine then". Fully expecting it to be £3-4 i said "i know, how much will it be?" "£25 but it will go up next week". "....sorry? £25?! for a handle." "yes". I AM SO MAD. I AM WRITING THIS WITH MY HANDS FEROCIOUSLY ATTACKING THE KEYBOARD. 25 SODDING POUNDS FOR A DOOR HANDLE. ARE YOU JOKING?! No, apparently she was not. I am so mad. I cannot believe it. I didn't think my day could get any worse, but apparently it could.
I still have my assignment to write, due in next friday, and accomodation fees to pay and i now have to pay a fine for a handle.
Oh life, why thou must be so cruel?
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