
Wednesday, 28 November 2012

"If if's and but's were candy and nuts then we'd all have a merry christmas"

Operation clean up has begun. I'm tackling cleaning the whole of my flat bedroom and my bathroom because  i have nothing better to do. Obviously, I should be doing shorthand and assignment work, but seeing as i was at the library till 10 last night, i think i deserve the afternoon off.

I should be at the gym now, but i'm just so cosy in my room i cant  be bothered to get up and move and go to the gym. I'm too tired. My 9am lecture this morning was worth getting up for though. It was about war reporting in Journalism and i actually really enjoyed it and found it interesting.

Also, i've noticed that several lecturers are getting excited as the Leveson report is due out tomorrow and it will "shape the future of your journalistic careers!" i've been told. So, from that, i've gathered that tomorrow is a big day for the Journalism industry.

I also need to hoover my room at some point, my to do list is never ending. More importantly, I need to start my christmas shopping. It is just over three weeks away and i've not bought a thing for a single person. I'm too busy treating myself and discovering new beauty products that i forget that it is the season for giving and not treating oneself.

On a duller note, i'm not have the best of weeks. Things are just grinding to a halt and i'm a bit bored. I miss freshers week when everyone didn't know each other well enough to fall out and the thought of tension in the flat was unimaginable. Sadly, things change.

It's also getting me down at the fact that i have to start thinking about accommodation for next year. I've only just moved into the student halls i'm living in now, i don't want to think about moving out!!


I'm off to start my online christmas shopping.

See? I can still get things done and not even have to leave my bedroom.

Happy Wednesday.

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