
Saturday, 24 November 2012

Pyjama day and a bit of TLC

I finally have the perfect Saturday I've been wanting for weeks. I had a lie in this morning till 10:15 and then got up and went to have my nails and toes done. I had them painted a Christmassy red and they look lovely. As mentioned on an earlier post, I was in need of some TLC and I got a bit of it through having my nails done. Yay!

To complete this lazy Saturday, I'm back in my pyjamas and in bed with a cup of tea planning out this coming week. My assignment is coming along now and the interview is booked for Wednesday. Im beginning to get nervous but it's my first Real interview as a student journalist. Things are getting real!!

I'm working tomorrow as usual and I'm looking forward to finishing work and coming back to a Sunday roast. I'm not going back to uni until Monday, so it means that I can have a relaxed Sunday evening before getting the train at silly o clock on Monday morning.

I also need to start my Christmas shopping as its only 4 weeks away! I don't even know what I'm getting people yet which is a bit rubbish.

I have lots to do before I leave uni for Christmas in 3 weeks so I best get a move on!

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