
Monday, 25 February 2013

"Pain demands to be felt"..

Despite a ridiculously hectic life these past few weeks (and upcoming weeks) i've finally managed to find some time to read again. I am currently reading John Green's much talked about (and loved) 'the fault in our stars'. I'm so close to finishing it i can hardly wait to read some more. It is definitely a tear jerker (i've cried twice already. actually, sobbed would be a better word) and i would recommend this book to anyone who thinks they can handle sadness in a book.

It's funny; i never used to cry at books, but recently it's all i've been doing. Not crying per say, just reading really sad, life perspective books. I discovered Mitch Albom about a month ago - he is a fantastic author and his books are quickly becoming my all time favourite. Especially 'Tuesdays with Morrie'. I think that is one of the best books i've read this year so far. Anyway, i recommend John Green's book to all and i haven't even finished it yet. Surely this must count for something..

In other news : (i have been spending too much being a journalist lately!) I have had a few problems with people in general. Just some people being selfish and annoying and just downright rude. I can't understood some people sometimes. All it takes to get by in life is manners. (ok, several other things, but manners cost nothing. people should be nicer). There is nothing queerer than folk.

In the way of academia and assignments ; i have far too many to cope with. I'm currently working on a law one that is taking over my life quickly. This assignment will slowly become my Leveson one, which took over much of my life for one month. However, all that work paid off as i got a first. I must have been doing something right at least. I hope this good luck and fortune continues.

Sometimes, when life gets on top of you, all you need to do is dance. Thats how i feel right now. Life is becoming all too much and i need to destress. How i have no clue (no more shopping, i've spent way too much recently!). Drinking! i hear you cry, but sadly, this can only suffice for so long. (fool, i hear you shout).

Anyway, this post felt mishmashed and had no structure to it which pretty much describes my brain as of late. I am off to read some more of John Green's masterpiece as I have to find out what happens to Hazel. I hope that the book will not disappoint as i fear it could well be the let down of the century if it ends differently than what i hope. Actually, come to think of it, i'm not sure how i want it to end. I hope not any more sadness, i cannot cope.

I'm aware that this probably makes no sense to you at all, but please, read this book. Even though you will become strangely attached to the characters (much like i do in almost every book i read) you will enjoy this one and understand the title of this post.


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