
Thursday, 15 August 2013

Today has been a good day.

This morning when I woke up, I felt like today was going to be good. I felt that after yesterday, I wanted to take my mind off some stuff and just have fun. So that's exactly what I did.

Today was the day that I was meeting up with 5 of my friends from uni in the city where I live after not seeing them for 4 months. I was so excited but sad at the same time. The purpose of us all getting together was to say goodbye to two of my closest friends who I have met since going to uni. The two girls, Ana and Michelle, are off to study abroad for their second year of University in America.

It was so hard to say goodbye to them, as I have some great memories with them that I won't ever forget. (Mainly car cruising in Ana's car at 3am with a cheeky trip to the mcdonalds drive thru) My first year university experience would not have been the same without them. Although I cried a little today when I said my final goodbyes, It isn't forever. This time in twelve months, we will all be back together and ready to start our third and final year at uni.

Tearful goodbyes and snotty tissues aside, I had a really good day. Spending time with them and three other guys who I have become friends with this year, I realised that that was exactly what I needed. It allowed me to remember why I became such good friends with them all in the first place (not that I had forgot - they are all brill!)

Reliving student life with them for one afternoon one last time, we had lunch and spent the rest of the afternoon in pubs. True student life. Of course, moving back home for the summer has allowed me to curb my drinking (I never drank that much at uni in the first place) but I have had a welcome break from it these past 4 months. So naturally, after two cider blacks, I was walking around Primark laughing hysterically at onesies.

Not only was today a pivotal day for my friends and I, many other people's lives changed today. Today is A level results day. I remember like it was only yesterday, when I found out I had been accepted to my first choice university to study the course I have wanted to do all my life. I hope that many other hardworking a level students have had their dreams come true too.

Throughout my journey at uni so far, a couple of times along the way, I have forgotten who I am and started to act like somebody I am not. I promised myself that uni would not change me, and I often blamed these changes I saw in myself as just my 'natural personality developing' and made excuses. I realised though, this wasn't me. I had noticed a difference. Mainly good differences, but sometimes, not so good.

When you are around new people, you find yourself adopting their habits - saying what they say, acting how they act, and you sort of lose who you are along the way. You do it to fit in, you worry you won't be accepted if you don't. But, why should I change who I am just to fit in with somebody else? I have met many friends at uni, and they all are friends with me because of my natural personality, not who I chose to become.

So for that reason, I try and make a difference to somebody's day everyday. Not because somebody else told me to, not because I am expected to, but because I want to. I know that sounds cliche and cheesy, but I enjoy making people smile. Today, I broke the 'rules' and sent a text I was advised not to send. I realised that although the 'rules' told me 101 reasons why I shouldn't send that text, I was going to do it regardless, because that is the sort of person I am.

It was a good text, a positive text, but because I hadn't had contact with this person for a while, I was told not to bother. "They will have forgot you", "They might not have your number anymore" were a few things I thought to myself. I planned to send the text way before today but I kept putting it off.

In the end, I sent it. I felt better for sending it and regardless of what other people thought about it, I sent it because I wanted to. And I felt good for doing so. Turns out, this person hadn't deleted my number and sent a very nice text back.

So the moral of this productive, eventful day - always do what you think is right,

Because, It most probably is.

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