
Sunday, 21 April 2013

Time is flying!

So, the end of first year is nearly here. With three weeks left, a horrible amount of work to do, and many nights to party away, i need to get a shape on.

I have just come back and unpacked my suitcase (i've been at home!) and It's another night that will be filled with work. I don't remember ever having so much work to do in my life. I'm not complaining though, this year has genuinely been one of the best years of my life. I'm not even exaggerating. Despite the urge for endless hours on sims 3 and watching 'The Hills', I can't do either until I've completed all my work. This sucks.

However, I have been shopping A LOT this past month, and I've treated myself to new stuff (*cough* chanel nail polish *cough*) and the time has come to be sensible with my money and start saving for year 2. YEAR 2. HOW CAN I BE ALMOST A 2ND YEAR?! I have another scary thought for you - next September, I will be a third year. I can't quite believe it myself. I'll move on before I reach for the vodka.

I really will miss my little room. It has been my home Monday - Friday for the last 8 months of my life and the thought of someone else living in it in a few months time makes me sad :( I have loved having my own space and being able to stay up till all hours talking to people and doing late night essays. Yes, I've worked well into the night before now.

The rest of my night will consist of an online asda shop (It is ridiculous how much online shop excites me) and lots of work.

The night still has many hours left and is long, as Is my pile of work.

Goodnight, all.

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