
Wednesday, 21 November 2012

In need of a pyjama day and TLC.

I'm tired of making an effort with the way i dress to all my lectures. It's been 10 weeks and my mum has already been proved right (I wont tell her though!). She said once i get into a routine of my lectures, i'll stop getting up early to shower and shower the night before instead, stop putting too much makeup on for 9am lectures and bothering so much about the outfits that i wear. She was right about most things except my makeup. I do like to put my makeup on in the mornings. I very rarely leave without it on. Call me what you want, but i like makeup and it's actually fun to do.

Right now I just got back from a 9am lecture and i'm drinking tea and eating a toasted cinnamon bagel with my huge I ♥ NY jumper on and my fluffy socks and slippers. I'm so tempted to go to my shorthand lecture in an hour dressed like this. I wish wearing slippers to lectures was acceptable. sad face.

I really feel in the mood for a pick me up or some TLC, but seeing as funds are so worryingly low, i don't think it's wise. Currently, i feel like popping into boots for a new lipstick or a new nail varnish, something small that will cheer me up! Or just a general wander around town. Where my uni is located, it's actually really good for shopping and all my favourite shops are along one street so it's rude not to go shopping in fairness.

I feel like i've not had a pyjama day in years and years. I think i'm going to book some time off work and just enjoy lounging around uni for a full weekend so that i don't have to rush about getting trains or run around health records like a chicken trying to find casenotes in time.

What happened to lazy days? :(

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