
Saturday, 17 November 2012

Finding money in your jeans pocket is beautiful.

I'm close to poverty. Ok, maybe i'm not that bad, but im still running low on cash. It probably doesn't help that i spent a ridiculous amount in MAC last week but i regret nothing. So, i was about to be sad that I only have enough money to get by when i looked in my jeans pocket and found a fiver. It was a beautiful moment. Even though a fiver isn't that much, it will still get me through to wednesday, hopefully.

One of the best things about uni is that I can get up 45 minutes before a lecture (on days that i'm not washing my hair), get ready, eat breakfast and leave ten minutes before my lecture and be on time. It is beautiful. Also i don't have to get any buses as all my lectures are literally around the corner from my flat. I hate public transport and i can't say that i miss it now that i rarely have to use it (except trains at the weekends).

One bad thing, though, is that i miss lie ins sooooo much. My last lie in past 10am was literally a month ago. I'm dying from sleep deprivation. I'm in uni 5 days a week and all my lectures start in the morning and it's soul destroying not getting to sleep. Also, when i'm home at the weekends, my mum has things planned so i can't even lie in on saturday morning. And then i work 8-3 on a sunday too :(( Sad face.Although i don't want the christmas holidays to come as i'm nowhere near ready for christmas (or for my 3 assignments to be done, for that matter) I would love 3 weeks of sleep and food and sleep right now. Though i will miss my flatmates waaaaay too much and it will look like i've moved out with the amount of stuff i'll be bringing home!

Another busy week lies ahead when I get back to uni tomorrow night. I love it too much so i can't really complain, but i feel like my life is just shorthand right now. Though we have learnt all the teeline shorthand theory and thursday was a monumental day when i reached the end of my £10-to-replace-if-lost workbook.

Sometimes i miss the simplicity of my summer. Summer was so good. too good, in fact. I spent my days at the gym to get rid of boredom and whizzing around the world (literally) having a good ol' time. I do love living independently though and dancing ridiculously bad to gangnam style at 2am in a club when i have a shorthand lecture at 10am the next morning.

Uni life is amazing and i have discovered a secret love for coffee.


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