
Monday, 22 October 2012

still not satisfied on this eventful monday evening.

I just don't get boys sometimes. One minute they're nice to you and you're the best thing since fifa and next they forget about you and find someone else to spend all their time with. Seriously, what's up with that? I don't drop my old friends when i make new friends. I guess that's just the male species for you.

The fire alarm has gone off twice this evening, and everyone's grabbed their phones ran out of their rooms, got to the door and then it went off. Someone is taking this too far. seriously, go home. stop cheesing everyone off. no one is impressed right now. Security guards are now wandering round our accommodation looking for 'perpetrators' as us students have been referred to as recently (and they are on late night watch for any students actually having a good time and partying past 11pm).

Ah, how this evening has now turned around. It's 11:40pm and we're still running up and down the corridor of our flat and i'm sat eating chocolate digestives, picturing shorthand outlines for everything i'm writing.

Uni life is brill and I wouldn't change it or my flatmates for the world.


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